Google Docs

Google Docs is an easy way to make documents. Often, you can use this to whip out an essay. In General, you can use this to make a document you really don’t want to right in hand. You can also print these documents, which will be explained below↓

Getting Started: Although we cannot go into depth about everything in Google Docs, we will explain briefly about the key elements.

  1. Writing a document: This is not going to be so hard. You have to click in the blank space in the middle of the screen, and start typing.
  2. Adding a title: When you make a new document, you can click on the a button that says ‘Untitled Document,’ and start typing.
  3. Sharing your document with other people. On the top right of your document, there will be a button that says ‘Share’. If you created the document, you can either share it to some on ‘View,’ ‘Suggesting,’ or ‘Editing’. If you want help creating your document, I would click Editing.